5 July 2009

born on the 4th of July...

...or not! For months we have waited, in anticipation, for the 4th of July and yet it came and went without much fuss. Travis is already 2 weeks old!

Like most babies he sleeps alot. Although his cuddle time coincides with our dinner time, whatever time we have dinner, and he has a cry hour in what used to be our quiet time, the little angel has slept through from 23.30 to 05.30 the last few nights! No, we are certainly not complaining!!

Here is Travis in the bath and Dylan helping. Travis also gets treated to a bathtime song, what a lucky baby.

1 comment:

The Jackson Files said...

he's soooooooooooo CUTE. i have total newborn baby envy. except when i think about the lack of sleep...then not so much.

btw...he looks just like marko in that top pic. like there is no mistaking who his daddy is, is there now?