29 August 2008


26 August 2008

planes, trains and automobiles

Dylan loves his new 2 piece puzzles, unfortunately it took him all of about 5 minutes to figure out how to do them. Luckily this doesn't stop him from putting them all together... again and again, everyday.

22 August 2008

all your ducks in a row

Dylan loves his ba' toys. They get lined up along the side of the bath every night, and then named... buy, (bug), eal (seal), fis, ale(whale), wak, wak (duck), and minmin (penguin).

baby Rodney

Dylan has a new (second) cousin, Rodney. Rodney arrived on 10 August and is the son of proud parents Ron and Marianne. We went to visit them on Wednesday evening. Dylan was NOT very impressed when Marko and I held the baby...

17 August 2008


Summer is fading fast but who needs sunshine as an excuse?

15 August 2008


Last holiday photo, taken on the way home.

14 August 2008

13 August 2008

in and around La Rochelle - Sunday

Our hotel - Yachtman - with blue awnings.
The harbour.

Town hall.

The Roets family.

12 August 2008

Family fun!

La Rochelle - Saturday at the beach

It's always fun meeting Martin, Faye and Nicholas. This time we met up in La Rochelle. It was an excellent weekend and I think the boys enjoyed themselves just as much as we did. Dylan's favourite part was our trip to a beach on the Ile de Re on Saturday.

He was fascinated by the waves,

and had a ball playing with the water and throwing sand around with Nicholas.

Time for a juice break after all that fun.

We're all going on a summer holiday...

... to La Rochelle

5 August 2008

a whole one and a half

Dylan is 18 months today, and as cute, clever and entertaining as ever. We visited the clinic and he weighs 11kgs and is 82.8cms. He's certainly grown fast these last few months.
I guess it's as good a time as any to record some facts*:

- favourite friends: Taatie and Georgie
- favourite toys: balls, cars, the sandpit and his bath buy (bug)
- favourite pastimes: eating and climbing stairs
- favourite meal: booboo (bloemkool/cauliflower) and sausage
- favourite drink: milk
- favourite fruit: arbei (aardbei/strawberry) and apple
- favourite snack: booey (which I like to think is genius englitch - a combination of biscuit and koekje)
- favourite books: Old McDonald, Trucks and Mouse
- favourite dvds: Mouse on the farm and Bumba
- Bedtime: 7.30pm, but it takes him ages to fall asleep, he chats, reads and sings for at least half an hour.
- Wakes-up: between 6 and 7am.
- Has a 3 hour(!) afternoon nap.
What I also think is worth mentioning is that he has a great imagination: treating Georgie like a baby, reading books, making tea and eating pretend biscuits and flying Drew around in his helicopter.

*I got this idea from a post in the Jackson files.