28 June 2008


We bought a sandpit for Dylan and it fits just perfectly in the corner of the balcony. He enjoys filling his bucket, building castles and knocking them down, but his favourite game is throwing sand around and trying to get handfuls of sand past me and into the house.

26 June 2008

something fishy

Haring season started a little while ago in holland. And this is how (some of) the dutch like to eat their herring. You hold the raw herring above your head by the tail and... hap (bite).


25 June 2008

Danique geslaagd!

Danique passed her final exams...

Gefeliciteerd! Hip hip hoera!

19 June 2008


Granny brought lots of presents with her, including Curious George, who Dylan has nicknamed Georgie. Here are a couple of photos of Georgie clapping hands and getting a little bit of loving.

Granny is visiting!

Dylan loves having an extra person to boss around. He also really loves the attention, the peek-a-boo games, the neck tickles and the daily outings.

14 June 2008

Viva oranje!

3-0 against Italy, and 4-1 against France. Holland is through to the quarter finals!

13 June 2008

finger painting

Dylan has started talking a lot! It is mostly gibberish accompanied by lots of pointing, nodding and the occasional recognisable word. He also answers ' ja' (nods) or 'no' (shakes his head) when asked a question.

Do you want to paint? Ja, draw-draw, draw-draw! Draw-draw is his word for all art activities. Here are some pictures I took this morning of him painting. I told him he had red, blue and yellow paint. He loved the word 'lellow' but I think he thinks it means paint.

9 June 2008

Hup Holland!

Dylan will be in bed and Marko at the pub when Holland kick off against Italy tonight but that doesn't mean they aren't both dressed and in the mood! (The flag was painted on at school!)

couch potatoes

This photo was taken yesterday at oma's party. Happy Birthday (again) oma!

5 June 2008

afternoon nap

He sleeps,
he wakes,
he smiles.

4 June 2008


Dylan and the snail walked round, and round, and round, and round, and round the table. And then they did it again!

1 June 2008

Feyenoord fan?


The European cup is approaching and Dylan is practicing to join in the kick-off fun next weekend, tooet-tooooooet!