26 November 2009

5 months old already

These last few weeks Travis has been blowing rasberries and drooling all over everything! He also sticks his tongue out at everything and everyone. He (still) loves to be entertained and wriggles and giggles and kicks as soon as anyone comes nearby. Luckily, his brother likes to entertain - a match made in heaven.

19 November 2009

my favourite subject

My boys of course!
Story time.See, Travis?
Look closely!
Tv time.

17 November 2009

a taste of something different

We decided it was time to start introducing Travis to solids as he has been licking his lips every time he sees us eating. Poor little thing, we gave him green beans! (I wanted to be able to see it in the photos.) The next day we gave him pear though, so it's not all torture here.

Yay, I finally get some of 'it'.Give me that spoon.
What on earth is this stuff? Look, Travis, not that bad... no really!
Not convinced.

11 November 2009

it's still autumn

Dylan decided he and Travis needed hats yesterday when we went out for our walk. It's not really that cold yet though and when the sun is shining it's lovely outside.

by the way

I had a lovely birthday celebration on Sunday/Monday, thanks for all the birthday wishes, messages, calls, mails and presents! Dylan enjoyed himself too, the highlight being the cupcakes of course! He stood and guarded the cakes for 15 minutes until the first guests arrived and he could finally eat one... ...that one in the middle.

7 November 2009

4 1/2 months

We went to the clinic yesterday for his 3rd set of innoculations and Travis now weighs 7300g(in his defense, he had just had his milk, ha ha) and is 63.5cms.
He loves to examine anything he can get his hands on and all of it eventually ends up in his mouth. He has discovered that lying on his tummy is more exciting than lying on his back. The only problem is that he can't roll over on his own yet and he finds it very frustrating. He can pull himself up to sit though which he LOVES!
Travis also loves all the attention he gets from his big brother and whatever Dylan does makes him smile!

3 November 2009

visit to opa en oma

last wednesday, i visited opa and oma. Dylan loves playing at their house (although he doesn't like Max the dog that much) and both grandparents like it at least as much!

oma feeding Travis

opa posing with his youngest grandson

Dylan trying hard not to be in the photo

bringing the boys to school

Travis started his 'school' in november, so now i bring two boys twice a week. here's me cycling to the creche

Travis seems to like the outdoors and Dylan is real proud his little brother goes to school as well