29 December 2008

Wintersport 2008

We're ba-ack! We had a brilliant holiday and Christmas in the snow. Stories to follow shortly...

16 December 2008

nearly, nearly holidays

I think we finally have everything we need for Dylan's first wintersport holiday. It has snowed plenty the last few weeks so we are hoping for a week of blue skies and sunshine!

The only way we can get him to wear any of his snowgear is if we put ours on first...Here's our last purchase, his sunglasses.

there's always a traffic jam somewhere in our lounge

Believe it or not but in the last month Dylan got a sum total of 10 new cars! He got a box full from sinterklaas (oma and opa) , a remote control fire-engine from us, note the concentration,a mickey mouse mini from Pam, and 2 new cars from nanny and butta which came with a whole bridge/ramp set. Dylan just loves it and we are not allowed to play with it at all, but are required to fix it of course.Oh yes, he also got a hair cut!

12 December 2008


Dylan loves going on the metro, it's all one big adventure. Watching it arrive, sitting, looking out the window, waving goodbye to everyone when he gets out and watching it leave again. Here he is with Pam
and here they are again, having a giggle on the way to the coffeeshop.

7 December 2008

Selftimer silliness

We were trying to get Dylan to sip his tea just in time for the photo... he was having none of it and if you look closely at him laughing in the last photo, I think he thinks we look like a bunch of idiots.


Last night we celebrated Sinterklaas which involves presents, presents and more presents. We didn't actually get to see the Sint but we heard Piet knocking on the door and when we went to look, we found 2 big bags of presents waiting!

Not too hard to do the maths:

2 BIG bags = 2 VERY excited children.

After the opening frenzy subsided, it was time to play. Everyone joined in the fun.Dag Sinterklaasje, da-ag, da-ag Zwarte Piet...

5 December 2008


Today Sinterklaas came to Dylan's school so we were there bright and early waiting for him. Dylan enjoyed himself until the Sint came in accompanied by two of his 'Zwarte Pieten'. Then all he wanted to do was go back outside. So he stood very nervously awaiting his turn and eventually the promise of a present and a handful of biscuits got him a little closer and he sat about a metre away, on my lap. Once his hands were full we made a quick getaway. Now he seems to have forgotten the fear and when asked about his morning quite happily tells about 'Inter-aas' and his present.

2 December 2008


Pam arrived early Monday morning to stay for a week and a very excited Dylan has been showing off ever since... He now calls her Pum instead of Mah.