31 December 2012

Christmas baking

We spent lots of time baking Christmas goodies this year...

25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

19 December 2012

naughty or nice


17 December 2012


Dylan has really taken to drawing lately!

16 December 2012

Oh Christmas tree...


10 December 2012

8 December 2012

a present in my shoe

More of the same as last year but putting out your shoe with a carrot for the horse, and maybe a drawing or your wish list, and singing as loudly as you can, is all part of the fun of Sinterklaas. Of course the best part is getting up (really early!) and racing downstairs to see if the Pieten really came. Did the horse like the (half nibbled on) carrot and did Sinterklaas get the lists..? More importantly, what did they leave behind: a present, a chocolate letter, sweets and pepernoten?

7 December 2012

Sinterklaas has been and gone

What an exciting 3 weeks we have had. Maybe a little too much excitement for our two boys! Sinterklaas has been and gone and sanity and normal waking hours have returned to our house again. Here we are, 2 weeks ago, watching Sinterklaas and his Pieten arrive in Rotterdam by steam boat. Lots of excitement, singing, dancing, eating pepernoten and sweets, watching the Pieten and of course, the highlight, seeing Sinterklaas, for real! This year we also watched a bit of the parade. The photos look very similar to last year, and the year before, but I think the boys might have enjoyed it even more this time around!