27 June 2012

party time

. We had Travis's party on Saturday afternoon. It's always difficult waiting all morning until the party starts but we managed quite fine. Travis helped me bake bone shaped biscuits and 'helped' Pam ice cup cakes and then played with his presents. Thanks for all your help by the way, Aunty Pam! The party was a success and Travis got spoilt, played with his brother and cousins all afternoon and got to eat cake and sweets all day. Perfect!

 Doggy is one of his favourite fluffy toys and Travis decided he wanted a 'doggy' cake.
When the first guests arrived with presents he looked very confused and said 'but I've already had presents!'
 It didn't take long for him to get into the swing of things though
 He got very shy when we started singing and tried to hide under my arm!
 then it was time to eat!
 Travis and Dylan enjoying their cupcakes
 Rosalie and Manon
Emmely and Rodney 
Eating some more...strawberries and poffertjes this time 

26 June 2012

3 years old!

What a lovely age for a birthday!

Travis was impressed and surprised by everything, the singing, balloons, flags, presents, cake etc. No expectations, just one very happy, excited boy. He was very pleased to finally be 'big' and is extremely proud to tell everyone he is 3. I am a little sad that our baby is growing up so quickly but on the other hand, am really enjoying watching it happen!
Today, we had our visit to the clinic and he weighs exactly the same as Dylan did at 3 years (14,6kg) but is 2 1/2 cm's shorter (96,5cm)!

17 June 2012

love is...

9 June 2012

it all started with last year's school photo

I finally got around to framing last year's school photos. Just in time seeing as I get the new one's this month!

Travis saw this...

...and lay down to pose for some new photos.

Dylan wasn't about to be left out so he let me take photos too.

7 June 2012


Travis's latest favourite past time is listening to music. Who can blame him!? He especially loves it when the cd is accompanied by a picture book. It keeps him amused for hours.

5 June 2012

mini holiday

After our cold and wet camping trip, the weather improved and we had some absolutely stunning weather! Happy weather! Hot and sunny! We spent most of our last long weekend outside. It felt like a mini summer holiday. These photos were taken at Kralingseplas.
Can you spot the Zeppelin?
There's not a lot that can top a day playing with sand and water!
Smile for the camera
What fun!
Dylan, waiting his turn on the slide,
and then racing down too fast for me to get a photo.
Trying to convince dylan to get out of the water.
Sitting smack, bang, right in the middle of the toddler pool.
Aha, there they are!
Splashing around.
What a lovely day. Pity the rain and cold sneaked back in.
I can't wait for summer.