11 September 2012


We each planted a pot with seeds, about 3 months ago.

Travis planted beans (he loves them), Dylan the strawberries, Marko chose chillies and me, tomatoes.
It didn't take long for them to start sprouting and Travis's beans took the lead from the beginning.
The beans were ready for picking and eating just before we left for SA

When we got back from SA, the tomato and chilli plants look rather sickly. Dylan's plant provided about 3 very small strawberries though!

1 comment:

Petra said...

Haha, ik had ook zo'n tomatenplant. Is niets geworden, compleet verregend. Bij pap en mam doet hij het trouwens wel goed, is groot geworden, maar nog geen tomaat te bekennen. Hopelijk smaakten de boontjes lekker.