29 November 2011


It's that time of the year again and Sinterklaas is back in Holland. We watch the Sinterklaasjournaal every night to keep up to date with the happenings leading up to Pakjesavond.
We went to watch him arrive on his steamboat, (along with the rest of Rotterdam!)
We sang and danced with Disco Piet!

Dylan even got to shake hands with the man himself, after his Sinterklaas party at NN.
Because we have no chimney, we leave our shoes at the door to the balcony, this time with a carrot for the horse and Dylan's wish list.
Time to sing, as loudly as we can, in the hope that we will be heard by the Pieten. Travis thought this was all great fun and marched around Dylan and Papa singing along merrily.
Surprise! A (shoe)present and pepernoten! (The 5th shoe belongs to Pam.)
Travis gets more excited about the pepernoten and sweets then he does about the present.

Ok, we might have done all of this more than once so far...
Hey, that's for Amerigo!
Zie ginds komt de stoomboot...

1 comment:

Petra said...

Superleuke foto's! Als ik dit zie mis het ik zooooo erg! Geniet er met volle teugen van.