7 February 2011


Dylan has been 'nearly four' for ages and finally, Saturday, he turned four. This means he is big now and can do everything himself, according to himself, that is.What an exciting morning, presents in our bed, and then all the way downstairs to fetch his post from Granny and Grandpa. His new camera, dvd, book, mask and his new lego helped pass the time he had to fill until the party began.

The birthday boy, wearing his crown, which I had to make, it had to be gold. I was also told I had to buy presents for him and hide them so it was a surprise; and not tell him what I had bought so it stayed a surprise; then call him in the morning and give them to him... yes, he had it all planned out.

A Mega Toby mask, nice! (Policeman superhero)
Now I can take lots of photos! 
Time out for a milk break while Travis plays with the paper. 
This was quite possibly his favourite present...
Look, a parcel for me from postnet! 
hmmm, what could it be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
