26 March 2010

9 months

So, month 9 passed by with very few photos. Not much new to report though. Travis is still a happy little boy, still chews everything he can get his hands on,
still loves his food,
is still moving backwards, despite Dylan's efforts to help,
and still LOVES playing with his brother... Where's Travis?

13 March 2010

especially for grandpa

Have a lovely, lovely day! Here are Dylan and Travis with their birthday wishes for you...
Lots of love. XXXX

12 March 2010

just the 4 of us

9 March 2010


Travis is now the proud owner of 2 teeth! (They came through about 2 weeks ago!)

Hmmm, not sure you can see them so you'll just have to take my word for it...

the boys with their papa