5 June 2008

afternoon nap

He sleeps,
he wakes,
he smiles.


The Jackson Files said...

Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, does Dylan sleep without a dummy now?

I think Jackson is going to be 23 before he finally gives his up, although I notice he doesn't use it when he sleeps at school anymore!!!

Anyway, my point is...if Dylan is sleeping without it now, how did you manage to stop it?

Jill said...

Funny thing here is that Dylan still sleeps with a dummy at school, but not at home. At about 11 months he started to throw it away when we gave it to him, so we stopped. He stopped himself, not very helpful hey!?

Problem now, he has schaapie! It's only happened twice so far, but I have had to get up at 3am because Dylan couldn't find schaapie and is standing up in his bed shouting 'taatie', 'taatie'. Just as bad as a dummy!