. We had Travis's party on Saturday afternoon. It's always difficult waiting all morning until the party starts but we managed quite fine. Travis helped me bake bone shaped biscuits and 'helped' Pam ice cup cakes and then played with his presents. Thanks for all your help by the way, Aunty Pam! The party was a success and Travis got spoilt, played with his brother and cousins all afternoon and got to eat cake and sweets all day. Perfect!
Doggy is one of his favourite fluffy toys and Travis decided he wanted a 'doggy' cake.
When the first guests arrived with presents he looked very confused and said 'but I've already had presents!'
It didn't take long for him to get into the swing of things though
He got very shy when we started singing and tried to hide under my arm!
then it was time to eat!
Travis and Dylan enjoying their cupcakes
Rosalie and Manon
Emmely and Rodney
Eating some more...strawberries and poffertjes this time