25 February 2011

20 months

What a personality! Travis is a little clown, he still loves dancing and singing and laughing and making us laugh. He does also have quite a temper though and can throw his toys (literally) when he doesn't get his own way. He has started saying quite a lot and is very pleased when we can actually understand him. Can you believe Ipad was one of his first words!? His favourite tv shows are Dora and Diego and if it was up to him, he would watch tv all day... with a biscuit in each hand, because boy does he like to snack. He also likes to join in my conversations and nods very seriously when I am talking and answers 'ja' to whatever I ask him.

 He loves sitting in things. First emptying then, then climbing in, and out, and in, and out. Fortunately he also likes tidying up afterwards.

 He he, I fit!
 Hello Dylan.
 Where's Travis?
 Shhh, I'm laptop-ing!
 When is someone coming to push me around?
 Travis also enjoys a good cup of tea!

 Note the concentration.

10 February 2011

Am I 5 now?

We had another party on Sunday which caused to Dylan to ask if he had now turned 5!
This time we invited his best friends from the creche: Matthew, Mijntje and Siem. It's quite sad all 4 of them are going off to different schools, they play so nicely together and really enjoy each other's company.

First they iced cakes
 then they ate them!
 Then we played pass the parcel
 They absolutely loved this!
 Then we got more energetic and musical statues was followed by musical bumps was followed by jumping up and down and running around like crazy...
 ...we finally go them to calm down for a few minutes - check out the red cheeks! 
No one wanted to go home so it was definitely a succesful day!

8 February 2011


On Saturday we had the family and friends around for a party. And to (re-) quote Dylan: A party isn't a party without cake. He wanted the alien from Toy Story so that's what he got. He helped decorate it! (Actually the Alien was second choice, first choice was Buzz Lightyear which I decided was too much of a challenge!)
Luckily Oma and Opa and Liza arrived early. That meant he didn't have to wait too long to start opening presents!
He was totally spoilt and very happy with all his presents. (Thanks!) 
Needed a bit of help with this one. Manon to the rescue.
Time to sing. He had been waiting for this moment all day. He told us that  he was only 4 when it was his party and everyone sang for him.
 Take a deep breath...
 ...and blow out the candles. (We did this a few times!)
 Time to play. Here is magician Dylan - abracadabra!
 Emmely enjoyed herself!
 Rodney and Rosalie up to mischief.
 Travis, eating as usual.
 Dylan and Manon had a lovely time.

7 February 2011


Dylan has been 'nearly four' for ages and finally, Saturday, he turned four. This means he is big now and can do everything himself, according to himself, that is.What an exciting morning, presents in our bed, and then all the way downstairs to fetch his post from Granny and Grandpa. His new camera, dvd, book, mask and his new lego helped pass the time he had to fill until the party began.

The birthday boy, wearing his crown, which I had to make, it had to be gold. I was also told I had to buy presents for him and hide them so it was a surprise; and not tell him what I had bought so it stayed a surprise; then call him in the morning and give them to him... yes, he had it all planned out.

A Mega Toby mask, nice! (Policeman superhero)
Now I can take lots of photos! 
Time out for a milk break while Travis plays with the paper. 
This was quite possibly his favourite present...
Look, a parcel for me from postnet! 
hmmm, what could it be?