What a personality! Travis is a little clown, he still loves dancing and singing and laughing and making us laugh. He does also have quite a temper though and can throw his toys (literally) when he doesn't get his own way. He has started saying quite a lot and is very pleased when we can actually understand him. Can you believe Ipad was one of his first words!? His favourite tv shows are Dora and Diego and if it was up to him, he would watch tv all day... with a biscuit in each hand, because boy does he like to snack. He also likes to join in my conversations and nods very seriously when I am talking and answers 'ja' to whatever I ask him.
He loves sitting in things. First emptying then, then climbing in, and out, and in, and out. Fortunately he also likes tidying up afterwards.
He he, I fit!
Hello Dylan.
Where's Travis?
Shhh, I'm laptop-ing!
When is someone coming to push me around?
Travis also enjoys a good cup of tea!
Note the concentration.