29 May 2009
wat een mooie dag
27 May 2009
Stickers are what's been keeping Dylan busy for the last few days. Today he decided it was time to pretty Mama up a bit!
Here he is yesterday, having a lovely time, making a beautiful picture for Papa to take to work.

26 May 2009
new bicycle chair
About a year ago I posted 2 photos of Dylan and Marko on the bike, when Dylan was a baby and when he was about 1 year. Here he is these days:
24 May 2009
22 May 2009
Dylan didn't make it up to his bed this afternoon, he fell asleep on the couch when I went to make us some lunch! Since he has been sleeping in his new bed, his morning wake up time has changed from 7 to 6am. Then we all have to wake up and play! It's good to know that this isn't only taking its toll on mama and papa...
21 May 2009
slugs and snails
Play with tadpoles and snails with opa, play football, cycle, walk to the beach and back again, throw shells in the sea, climb trees, fly, cuddle, run, eat, go, go, go... 

...it took him about 1 minute to fall asleep in the car on the way home!
20 May 2009
ready for number 2
Among the things you need to get ready for baby number two, fixing another chair on my new bike was one of them. Dylan wasn't impressed when I sat him down behind me, but I am ready to cycle around town with two kids now!

19 May 2009
I want to ride my bicycle...
It's just about the first thing Dylan wants to do when he wakes up in the morning, and in the afternoon, and every moment in between. In fact, I think he would take it to bed with him at night too if we let him but he settles for (very proudly) parking 'my big bike' in between mama's and papa's big bikes in the shed.
15 May 2009
Tonight we are off to a wedding celebration. Congrats Pat & Jet!
Dylan has been excited all day about his sleepover at Petra, Rob and Nadia's.
Dylan: Can I not sleep? Can we go to Petra's now? Mama, can I not sleep?
Here he is this afternoon, packing trunki and then pulling/dragging it to the car.

14 May 2009
children's day

11 May 2009
my fiets!
9 May 2009
Little bed!
Here he is 'helping' opa with the wallpaper and papa make his new little bed.
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