29 May 2009

ik ben blij!

wat een mooie dag

This morning we opened the curtains, and the doors, and Dylan walked outside and said "wat een mooie dag!" It certainly is a beautiful day, and the whole long weekend promises to be as sunny and hot.

27 May 2009


Stickers are what's been keeping Dylan busy for the last few days. Today he decided it was time to pretty Mama up a bit!Here he is yesterday, having a lovely time, making a beautiful picture for Papa to take to work.

26 May 2009

mama, mag ik op mijn fiets?

It stormed all of last night and has been raining for most of today!

new bicycle chair

About a year ago I posted 2 photos of Dylan and Marko on the bike, when Dylan was a baby and when he was about 1 year. Here he is these days:

24 May 2009

Dylan and Rodney...

...I wonder if they will look just like Marko and Ron in 40 years time!?

22 May 2009


Dylan didn't make it up to his bed this afternoon, he fell asleep on the couch when I went to make us some lunch! Since he has been sleeping in his new bed, his morning wake up time has changed from 7 to 6am. Then we all have to wake up and play! It's good to know that this isn't only taking its toll on mama and papa...

21 May 2009

slugs and snails

Dylan had a very busy day today! We got to the camping spot where oma and opa are staying at about 10am and he didn't sit still for a minute until we left again at 3pm. What exactly do little boys do to keep busy?

Play with tadpoles and snails with opa, play football, cycle, walk to the beach and back again, throw shells in the sea, climb trees, fly, cuddle, run, eat, go, go, go...

...it took him about 1 minute to fall asleep in the car on the way home!

20 May 2009

ready for number 2

Among the things you need to get ready for baby number two, fixing another chair on my new bike was one of them. Dylan wasn't impressed when I sat him down behind me, but I am ready to cycle around town with two kids now!

19 May 2009

I want to ride my bicycle...

It's just about the first thing Dylan wants to do when he wakes up in the morning, and in the afternoon, and every moment in between. In fact, I think he would take it to bed with him at night too if we let him but he settles for (very proudly) parking 'my big bike' in between mama's and papa's big bikes in the shed.

15 May 2009


Tonight we are off to a wedding celebration. Congrats Pat & Jet!

Dylan has been excited all day about his sleepover at Petra, Rob and Nadia's.
Dylan: Can I not sleep? Can we go to Petra's now? Mama, can I not sleep?
Here he is this afternoon, packing trunki and then pulling/dragging it to the car.

14 May 2009

children's day

As far as I'm concerned every day is children's day but Dylan's school thinks otherwise. They don't make mother's day or father's day presents but they do hold a children's day. That was today and Dylan came home very excited. He had a parrot balloon from the 'lieve clowntje' (sweet clown). He had a fabulous day and had loads to tell us... no more complaints about children's day from me!

11 May 2009

my fiets!

We spent Saturday in Rockanje at the camping with Oma and Opa (and Sander, Wendy, Manon and Rosalie) and had an early mother's day celebration. Dylan especially enjoyed himself because Opa and Oma had a bicycle for him and because 'Nanon' was there! When he wasn't following Manon around, he was PUSHING his bike around. I did manage to get one photo of him sitting on his bike though, thanks to Manon insisting he get on it. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera ready on Sunday when he got on and showed me how he could cycle on the big bike!! (Ik kan het heel goed mama...) Hopefully a film or at least photos to follow in the next week.

9 May 2009

Little bed!

Dylan is slowly getting used to his new bed. For some reason he calls his baby bed the big bed and his new one the little bed. He loves it! Or rather, he loves being able to get out of it so you can imagine how long it takes him to go to sleep now in the afternoons... I say in the afternoons because he also has a new room. He loves the new room as much as his new bed but is still a bit scared to sleep in it at night. At night he happily goes back to sleep in the big bed.

Here he is 'helping' opa with the wallpaper and papa make his new little bed.